'88 Alignment Specs

When I went to Sears to get one of their 6-month warranteed alignments, I landed up having a fight with them because the specs in their alignment machined (manufactured by Hunter) had incorrect details for the 1988 Fiero. In the alignment machine's computer, it indicated that this vehicle came with power steering. We all know this is also wrong.

9/19/03 UPDATE: After further discussion with Pennock's forum members, the following is much more correct (Thanks Marvin!):

The differences in the front specifications are:

Hunter spec.
GM spec
0.00° ± 0.50°
0.00° ± 0.50°
Cross Camber
0.0° ± 0.8°
0.0° ± 0.75°
3.00° ± 0.50°
5.00° ± 0.50°
Cross Caster
0.0° ± 0.8°
0.0° ± 0.75°
0.15° ± 0.10°
Total Toe
0.30° ± 0.20°
0.30° ± 0.20°

Errors for the rear:

Hunter spec
GM spec
-1.00° ± 0.50°
-1.00° ± 0.50°
Cross Camber
0.0° ± 0.8°
0.0° ± 0.75°
0.08° ± 0.05°
0.15° ± 0.10°
Total Toe
0.30° ± 0.20°
0.30° ± 0.20°


If you'd like, you can download the full sized JPEG file from here: https://www.meisners.net/fiero/images/FieroAlignmentSpecs88.jpg.

Beware this is an 880K image.

From the 1988 Pontiac Fiero Service Manual, here are the exact alignment specs as specified by GM: